Local Organizer Program
A program to support the development of a study group into a local body.
Master Selection Process
- Local masters serve at the will of the Electoral College to run the local bodies throughout U.S. Grand Lodge. Those masters go through an application process.
Mentorship Program
The Electoral College provides all local masters with a Mentor to keep them up to date on U.S.G.L. policy and advise them when needed.
V° Application Process
Chapters may put for nominations to consider KEW for advancement to the Vth degree. The Electoral College deliberates on that nomination and approves or sends back to the Chapter to address any deficiency in the nomination.
Sanction Appeals
Certain decisions of the Electoral College, Grand Tribunal, or Executive may be appealed. The College will process all requests and pass to the right department, including appeals of the decision of the College which will be passed with all pertinent information to the Supreme Grand Council.
Revolutionary Appointment
In Liber 194: An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order places the responsibility of selecting Revolutionaries to the King. Revolutionaries serve a term of eleven years.