Actions of the College Winter Vviii
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Electoral College took the following actions pertinent to local body leadership at the Winter meeting held online on January 14th, 2023 e.v.:
• Passed mastership of ARARITA Oasis (San Diego, CA) from Br. Jonah to Fr. Logos and lifted the suspension of the charter.
• Chartered Black Sun Lodge (Cleveland, OH) as Chariot of Eternity Oasis and passed mastership from Br. Benjamin R. to Sr. Maryam.
• Passed mastership of Dove and Serpent Oasis (Atlanta, GA) from Fr. Pontifex to Sr. Anahita.
• Chartered Thelesis Oasis (Philadelphia, PA) as Thelesis Lodge with Sr. Amy as master.
• Closed Circle of Stars Camp (Lafayette, IN) at the request of the master, Br. James W.
• Extended the tenure of the masters of Azul Nox Oasis (Hanover, PA), Star of Babalon Oasis (Raleigh, NC), and Tahuti Lodge (New York City, NY) for one year.
The Electoral College wishes to thank the outgoing masters for their years of service and to congratulate the new masters on the trust placed in them.
Our Spring meeting will be held at Horizon Lodge (Seattle, WA) on April 22, 2023 e.v. The deadline for submission of items to be considered is March 11, 2023 e.v.
Love is the law, love under will.