Electoral College Meetings From the Electoral College

Actions of the College – Summer V:x

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The Electoral College took the following actions pertinent to local body leadership at its summer meeting held at Alombrados Oasis (New Orleans, LA) on July 27, 2024 e.v.:

  • Passed the mastership of 718 Camp (San Antonio, TX) from Soror Helen to Brother Steven Tovar
  • Approved a one-year tenure limit extension for the masters of Sekhet Bast Ra Oasis (Oklahoma City, OK) and Star Sapphire Lodge (Los Angeles, CA)

The Electoral College wishes to thank the outgoing masters for their years of service and to congratulate the new masters on the trust placed in them.

Our Fall meeting will be held at Leaping Laughter Lodge (Minneapolis, MN) on October 5, 2024 e.v.   The deadline for submission of items to be considered is September 7, 2024 e.v.

Love is the law, love under will.

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