Spring 2020 e.v. Electoral College Meeting Actions
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Electoral College took the following actions pertaining to local bodies at its Spring meeting held online due to the covid-19 pandemic:
Local Body Master Requests
-Transitioned mastership of Blue Equinox Oasis (Detroit, MI) from Fr. Lynx. to Sr. Amelia Ann
-Transitioned mastership of N.O.X. Oasis (Odgen, UT) from Br. Christoper G. to Sr. Danielle J.
-Transitioned mastership of Sapphire Current Camp (Memphis, TN) from Sr. Rachel Renee M. to Fr. Jubal Eunice.
Tenure Limit Extension Requests
-Extended the tenure limit of the master of Golden Lotus Lodge for a period of one year.
The Electoral College thanks all outgoing and incoming and still seated masters for their devotion and dedication to our Most Holy Order.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally yours,
Hattie Quinn