Electoral College Meetings

Actions of the College – Spring V:x

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The Electoral College took the following actions pertinent to local body leadership at its Spring meeting held at Golden Thread Oasis (Pittsburgh, PA) on April 20, 2024 e.v.:

  • Recharted Chalice of Heaven Oasis (Chicago, IL) as Aum Ha Oasis.
  • Closed Hidden Spring Oasis (Orlando, FL) at the request of the master.
  • Passed the mastership of Alombrados Oasis (New Orleans, LA) from Sr. Abraxas to Fr. Ignis Caerulei.
  • Passed the mastership of Gnarled Oak Oasis (Nashville, TN) from William Anthony Maitland to Fídi Sofós.
  • Passed the mastership of NOX Oasis (Ogden, UT) from Danielle Jaarveth to Andrew John McGuire.
  • Approved a one-year tenure limit extension for the masters of Sapphire Current Camp (Memphis, TN), Scarlet Woman Lodge (Austin, TX), and Song of Freedom Oasis (Albuquerque, NM).

The Electoral College wishes to thank the outgoing masters for their years of service and to congratulate the new masters on the trust placed in them.

Our Spring meeting will be held at Alombrados Oasis (New Orleans, LA) on July 27, 2024 e.v.   The deadline for submission of items to be considered is June 29, 2024 e.v.

Love is the law, love under will.

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