Actions of the College Winter Meeting
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Electoral College took the following actions pertinent to local body leadership at the Winter meeting held online on January 15th, 2022 e.v.:
- Passed mastership of Bubastis Oasis (Dallas, TX) from Br. Tony G. to Br. Kenneth Jordan.
- Passed mastership of Chalice of Heaven Oasis (Chicago, IL) from Fr. Lammassu Dam Ki Ag to Br. William Anhalt.
- Passed mastership of Crux Ansata Oasis (Denver, CO) from Sr. Dian Ericksen to Sr. Agni.
- Passed mastership of Golden Thread Oasis (Pittsburgh, PA) from Br. Terry Murdock to Sr. Kashmira.
- Passed mastership of Khephra Rising Camp (Boise, ID) from Fr. MABUS to Br. Kelly Lannigan.
- Passed mastership of Khonsu Camp (Las Vegas, NV) from Sr. Hokulani to Br. David as Master Pro Tem.
- Passed mastership of Knights Templar Oasis (Salem, MA) from Sr. Jen P. to Fr. Demian.
- Passed mastership of Lapis Lazuli Oasis (Phoenix, AZ) from Sr. Prunikos to Br. Josue Cuevas.
- Extended the tenure of the masters of ARARITA Oasis (San Diego, CA) and Azul Nox Oasis (Hanover, PA) for one year.
- Suspended the charter of Swirling Star Lodge (Miami, FL) pending SGIG investigation.
The Electoral College wishes to thank the outgoing masters for their years of service and to congratulate the new masters on the trust placed in them.Our Spring meeting will be held on April 30, 2022 e.v. The deadline for submission of items to be considered is March 19, 2022 e.v.
Love is the law, love under will.