Announcing the Diversity Task Force’s Educational Modules
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
The U.S.G.L. Diversity Task Force has released the first six educational modules (MoMods) that focus on racial diversity and inclusion. The module descriptions are listed on the U.S.G.L. Education Committee’s Diversity page. The monthly modules were created by a subgroup of the Task Force known as the MoMod team and were guided by the U.S.G.L. Values Statements, in particular:
“We advocate the principles of Scientific Religion and Universal Brotherhood, and oppose tyranny, superstition, and oppression.” — U.S.G.L. Values Statement #4
“We believe that a membership free from unfair discrimination is essential to accomplishing our Mission, and reject doctrines that promote bigotry, prejudice, and intolerance.” – U.S.G.L. Values Statement #6
The MoMods were designed to be a tool for local leadership to provide space to have hard discussions, increase awareness of underserved populations, and challenge participants to self-reflect on the module topic as it relates to Thelema. The modules also provide room for those who wish to complete them alone, but in either case, it is the team’s desire to give each individual the knowledge and confidence to talk about these topics whether it is with other siblings or in other parts of their lives.
The MoMods were birthed and fueled with the idea that our physical spaces and online events should be welcoming. They must be free of ignorance and the bias that discourages many members of underserved populations. If individuals want to embrace Thelema, take initiation, attend Liber XV, participate in classes or ritual events, then race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability should not be the limiting factor. The Law must truly be for all!
Love is the law, love under will.