Meet the U.S.G.L. Education Committee
This guest post is from Br Scott, the Education Committee Secretary.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The mission of the U.S. Grand Lodge Education Committee is to research, discuss, and recommend instructional materials and classes for local bodies. But what, exactly do we do?
First, let’s start with our course materials. One of our services is the production of high-quality course outlines which should make it easy for anyone interested to lead a discussion/presentation/ lecture on a variety of topics.
Current offerings include a discussion on the Eight Limbs of Yoga, Exegesis in Theory and Practice, a discussion of Liber Resh, an introduction to O.T.O., and a discussion on Little Essays Towards Truth. We have several modules which are presently in the development/approval stages, and for the most current list of our offerings you can always check our courses page at: courses/
On this page you’ll also find our bank of fonts as well as a host of other offerings including a spreadsheet for tracking local dues, an image pack for Liber Resh, flashcards for memorizing Hebrew and correspondences, and a selection of useful bibliographies from Don Karr on Cabala, Solomonic Magick, the Zohar, etc.
Please note that while the font banks and bibliographies are available to everyone, the courses and other specific materials are only available to local masters and organizers who can email the secretary of the committee at:
A more recent function of the committee is the organization and scheduling of online presentations, both public and private. We’ve hosted a number of these presentations which have been recorded and uploaded to U.S. Grand Lodge’s Youtube channel, which you can find here.
These presentations are announced via local leadership channels and are also posted on our news page, which you can follow here:
We’re always looking for new presenters, so if this is something that you’d like to discuss then feel free to email us at
We also maintain a calendar of local body public events, where you can always find an online event to check out on nearly any given day. It’s a great way to meet people from all over, and an even greater way to learn about some pretty amazing topics. Study groups, book clubs, social gatherings, Hermetic practice workshops, Pagans in recovery, Qabalah… I could go on and on or you could just go check it out for yourself at: local-body-public-events/
Finally, the committee maintains a database of traveling presenters who (once the current pandemic is over) have indicated that they are willing to travel to local bodies and lecture on various topics. Different presenters have different requirements and offerings, so take a look at the list and see if there’s something that you’re especially interested in or someone whom you’d really like to bring to your local body!
If you have any questions about the committee, who we are, what we’re doing, or how you could get involved then please feel free to reach out directly to us. Thanks!
Love is the law, love under will.
In the Bonds of the Order,
Secretary, U.S.G.L. Education Committee