Spring 2018 e.v. Electoral College Meeting Actions
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Electoral College took the following actions in Los Angeles on April 28th:
1. Rechartered Subtlety or Force Camp as Song of Freedom Oasis under Soror Promethea
2. Passed the Mastership of 718 Camp from Br. Michael Rogers to Soror Gimel.
3. Passed the Mastership of Bubastis Oasis from Sr. Angela Landrith to Br. Tony G.
4. Passed the Mastership of Obeah and Wanga Camp from Br. Edward E. to Sr. Rebecca P.
5. Passed the Mastership of Mithras Oasis from Br. Robert (Brett) Sherry to Br. Mychael J. Scribner
6. Passed the Mastership of Vortex Oasis from Sr. Diana to Sr. Egypt Rose
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
Hattie Quinn
U.S.G.L. Electoral College